10th Annual Breaking & Entering Christmas
Our 10th Annual Breaking & Entering Christmas!
While last year we got to the family just a few weeks after losing their young Dad, this year, we connected with a young family that is really struggling with wondering if this will be the last Christmas as a family of four. One parent is a teacher for those with special needs, and the other parent is over a year into a stage four cancer diagnosis that has spread, and hospice has been recommended. Mom and Dad are young, with also a young boy and younger little girl.
The Christmas season is a time for giving, love, hope, and miracles. For us, it's an opportunity to redefine the meaning of "breaking and entering." It's about bringing joy to families in genuine need, transforming their homes and creating lasting memories that will warm their hearts in a way they will never want to forget.
It's a beautiful reminder of the power of community, compassion, and the simple act of giving time to make someone else's holiday extraordinary while allowing them to remain anonymous.
Central to the success of Breaking & Entering Christmas is the involvement of the community. We seek nominations for the recipient family, maintaining their anonymity to ensure an intimate and personal celebration. Breaking & Entering Christmas stands as a testament to the magic that happens when a community comes together to make a difference during the most wonderful time of the year.
Thanks so much to all those involved in this year’s Breaking & Entering - Including these few, but certainly not all:
United Staffing Associates | General Store Paso Robles | KSBY | Dimes Media Central Coast | 95.3 The Beach | Red Oak Security | The Salvation Army San Luis Obispo Corps | Woods Humane Society | Holly Holliday
Spark'l Bands | Salinas River Ranch | Alex Farrington | Meathead Movers | Uncorked Wine Tours | Pots to Plate Project
Thank you Penny and North County Copy & Parcel for allowing north county drop off every year.
Thank you Joshua & Chiasa Klapper of Timbre Winery for letting me store stuff in your cellar.
Photography by SLO Town Studios
There are more to thank, you know who you are, and best, I know you, nor anyone, does this for any other reason but to love your neighbor.
And thank you to Little Tommy Sablan for mentoring a fellow lover of broadcasting and people on what he has been doing for close to 30 years in San Diego.
( if you want to go right to the Breaking & Entering, drag the black dot in the player above to the 9:00 min mark )
This Year's Breaking & Entering Family
Once again we have a young family where a stage 4 cancer diagnosis puts into question if mom or dad will even be here next Christmas.
Two young kids: 7 year old Charlie & 5 year old Eva
Charlie (7) - Size small or 6 in big kids section. Shoe size 12. He loves ballcaps and gloves
Eva (5) - Size 4t in dresses/shirts. 3t in pants. Her shoe is 8. She likes PINK, Barbies, and typical stuff for the age.
I have info on the parents too. Including the one who is dealing with cancer that has spread. Please reach out below and I can get specific for giving to parents. We want to keep this family anonymous so we will give you the info privately if you reach out.
Please do.
I want to learn more / be a part of Breaking & Entering!
Wanna give? Have a business that can help? Have extra decorations or lights sitting around? Are you an expert gift wrapper? Wanna be part of the Breaking Crew? Have any questions or suggestions?
Reach out!
10th Annual Breaking & Entering Christmas
You can nominate a family that's had a tough year for any number of reasons. We've seen it all, money hardships, health, loss, job, etc. A family where Christmas feels so far away, it's not in the cards for them. We want to find them. We want to help!
Below you can learn how to nominate a family AND get involved!
Get involved. It feels good.
From cash donations, to business donations, to donating old wrapping paper or old working lights! Heck, come out with us the day-of and wrapping presents, or be part of the Breaking Crew, we want you to be involved!
The Family We Visit Stays Anonymous
What we do: With the help of the one who nominates the family, we gather presents for the kids, a tree, whatever we can to help, and we organize a time and means to covertly visit the home. We leave behind a decorated tree, presents, money, and most importantly, a Christmas Spirit the family will never forget!